Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimo N. Astadjov
asta55 (at) issp (dot) bas (dot) bg
Academic Qualification and Position:
1990 - Ph.D. in Quantum Electronics/Laser Physics, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Science
Thesis: "Hydrogen effect on the laser oscillation and amplification properties of copper bromide vapour"
1996 - Docent / Associate Professor, Dept. Metal Vapour Lasers, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Science
Scientific Interests:
- High-power metal vapour lasers. Gas (-discharge, chemical, etc.) lasers. Experimentation and computer modeling. Diagnostics. Frequency conversion;
- High-power metal vapour lasers in material processing. Laser beam characteristics with respect to processing of different materials;
- Laser Beam Shaping and Propagation.
Supervising and Training Experience – Ph.D. students:2; master (magister) students: 2
Research & Development Experience:
National projects – 10 including 1 (head of); International projects– 6 including 1 (head of); Industrial partnership – national (2 partners); international (1 partner).
Language proficiency - English, Russian
Professional Visits Abroad:
1985, 1987 - Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
1994 - University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, UK (A Royal Society Fellowship)
Scientific Publications - over 50; Cited: over 380; Patents (international): 5
Publications for the last 5 years:
- P. Agrawal, G. Tiwari, D. Astadjov, A. Karnewar, P. Tiwariand and S. Nakhe, Micro-drilling in tungsten sheet using copper vapour laser, Proceedings of DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-20), Chennai, India, (2012), pp. 865-868, Jan. 9-12, (2012)
- R. Mishra, S. Nakhe, G. Tiwari and D. Astadjov, Evaluation of power supply configurations for efficiency of copper bromide laser, Proceeding of DAE-BRNS Nationa Laser Symposium (NLS-20), Chennai, India, (2012) pp.1-4 Jan. 9-12. (2012)
- D. Astadjov and S. Nakhe, CuBr laser beam transformations, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 253 (2010) 012076 / doi:10.1088/1742-6596/253/1/012076, (2010)
- D. Astadjov, Fourier Transform of Annular Beams,, Apr 13, (2009)
- I. Iliev, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, D. Astadjov, N. Denev and N. Sabotinov, Statistical analysis of the CuBr laser efficiency improvement, Optics & Laser Technology 40, 641–646, (2008)
- I. Iliev, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, D. Astadjov, N. Denev, N. Sabotinov, Statistical approach in planning experiments for the copper bromide vapor laser, (in Russian) Kvantovaya elektronika 38, 5, 436-440, (2008)
- Gold medal of International Young Inventor Exhibition - Bulgaria, 1986
- Silver National Prize for Science and Technology - Bulgaria, 1988
- Award for Science - by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1994